Alex Jones does put out some good information. But he is also a fear monger whose main product is fear. Listening to Alex Jones every day will grind you down until you can't function. How are you supposed to live your life if you think things are going to be like Mad Max in 6 months. Alex Jones tells Red Neck White Trash that if they get a Gun, Gold and Bible (god) then they will be saviors of western civilization from the police state. While there is a measure of validity of growing powers of federal gov't, the idea that you, in your home bunker, will save wester civilization from the police state as part of some neo-american-revolution-militia, is pure fantasy. Alex Jones gets people to spend money on Gold, Storageable food and other stuff they don't need. yes, there are legitimate reasons to buy these things, but do so because it is rational, not because Alex Jones pumped you up with fear. Alex Jones is a right winged free market fanatic who has no solutions. He blames all corporate corruption on something else other than the capitalistic system that produces it. Alex Jones has no solutions to anything. The libertarian free market theory is nonsense, check out this video for proof: Alex Jones says he is right over 90% of the time, but every day makes predictions that are stupid and don't come true. Listening to Alex Jones and being an info-warrior will destroy your life. Also check out Lenon Honor for breaking addiction to fear based mind control programming!